\documentstyle[preprint,prb,aps]{revtex} %\documentstyle[preprint,eqsecnum,aps]{revtex} %\documentstyle[twocolumn,prb,aps]{revtex} %\documentstyle[prb,aps]{revtex} %\topmargin-50pt %\textheight 180mm \draft %print PACS % -------- For LQ-printer -------- % The number in \textheight command must be ~1.3 times % less then the real number. (E.Tsoy) %\textheight 175mm %\textwidth 160mm %================================ \begin{document} % -------- For LQ-printer -------- %\setlength{\baselineskip}{6mm} % ================================ \title{Phase-locked states in the system of two capacityvely coupled Josephson junctions } \author{F.Kh.Abdullaev $^1$, A.A.Abdumalikov (Jr.) $^{1,3}$, O.Buisson $^2$, E.N.Tsoy $^1$} \address{$^{1}$ Physical-Technical Institute of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences,\\ Mavlyanova str., 2-b, Tashkent, 700084, Uzbekistan\\ $^2$ CNRS-CRTBT, BP166, 38042 Grenoble C\'{e}dex 9, France \\ Physikalisches Institute III, Erlangen-Nürnberg University, Erwin-Rommel-Straße-1, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany} \date{\today} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The dynamics of two Josephson junctions coupled by a capacitance is studied analytically and numerically. Two types of phase-locked states are found for the system. In the first type of states, voltages across either junction vary periodically on non-zero background. In the second type, voltage across one junction oscillates near zero. Existence conditions for the phase-locking, parameters of synchronized oscillations are obtained. The comparison of analytical results with numerical calculations show good agreement. \end{abstract} \end{document}