Directional motion of fluxons in a parallel Josephson-Junction chain. F. Falo(a), P.J Martinez (a), J.J. Mazo (a,b), S. Cilla(a), E. Trias (b) and T. P. Orlando (b) (a) Grupo de Teoria y Simulacion de Sistemas Complejos. Universidad de Zaragoza -CSIC. Spain (b)Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. MIT. USA. Directional motion (DM) of overdamped particles in asymmetric potential is currently an active field of research. The ideas of DM have been applied in proposals for devices in a large variety of systems from phase separation engines to array of quantum dots. In this communication we present a theoretical proposal and an experimental realization of DM of fluxons in a parallel chain of Josephson junctions. We propose (1) a simple configuration of the array in which the pinning potential for the trapped fluxon lacks of inversion symmetry (ratchet potential). This system can be modelised by a set of nonlinear pendula with alternating harmonic couplings and lengths. This corresponds to alternated critical currents and area plaquettes. We show, by numerical simulations , that fluxons behave as single particles in which the predictions for overdamped thermal ratchet can be verified. To check the validity of this design (2) we have measured the deppining of trapped fluxon in a fabricated circular array of JJ with alternated cell inductances and junctions areas. We find experimentally that the deppining current depends on the direction of the applied current in our ratchet ring. We also find other properties of de deppining current versus an applied magnetic field, such as a long period and a lack of reflection symmetry, which we can explain analytically. (1) Ratchet potential for fluxons in Josephson-junction arrays. F. Falo, P.J. Martínez, J.J. Mazo and S. Cilla Europhysics Letters 45(6), 700-706 (1999) (2) Depinning of kinks in a Josephson-junction ratchet array. E. Trías, J.J. Mazo, F. Falo and T.P. Orlando Phys. Rev. E 61, 2257 (2000).