Title: Theoretical perspectives for Microwave Applications of Intrinsic Josephson junctions Presenting Author: Ch. Helm Los Alamos National Laboratory, Division T-11 Mail Stop B-262, Los Alamos NM 87501 USA Coauthors: Ch.Preis, J. Keller Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitat Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany S. Rother, P. Mueller, Physikalisches Institut, University of Erlangen, R. Kleiner Physikalisches Institut - Experimentalphysik II, Universität Tuebingen Morgenstelle 14, D-72076 Tuebingen Germany Abstract: The interaction of intrinsic Josephson oscillations with phonons and its manifestation as resonances in the current-voltage characteristics has been recently established. In this contribution the principle perspectives of this new phenomenon from the point of view of applications are being considered. In particular, the interaction of different resistive junctions via the excitation of phonons in c-direction can lead to phasecoherence and consequently to a higher output power if used as a microwave source. Also the mixing amplitude is enhanced, if in the superconducting state one of the external frequencies coincides with an internal phonon eigenfrequency or if the junction is biased at a phonon resonance in the resistive state. In addition to this, recent measurements of Shapirosteps on the resistive branches of the intrinsic Josephson effect showed a shift of the step from the expected position. Although the interpretation of this effect is still controversial, theoretical perspectives are given for a possible violation of the Josephson relation due to the scalar electromagnetic potential.