\documentstyle[emlines,bezier]{slides} \parindent0pt \topmargin-15mm \oddsidemargin-5mm \textwidth17cm \textheight25cm \parindent0.3cm \parskip1.0ex plus0.3ex minus0.3ex \itemsep1.0ex plus0.2ex minus0.2ex \jot1.0ex \fboxsep5mm \newcommand{\D}{{\rm d}} \newcommand{\ve}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\la}{\stackrel{\mbox{\raisebox{-2mm}{$<$}}} {\mbox{\raisebox{-1mm}{$\sim$}}}} \newcommand{\ga}{\stackrel{\mbox{\raisebox{-2mm}{$>$}}} {\mbox{\raisebox{-1mm}{$\sim$}}}} \begin{document} {\small {\bf Phase Locking Dynamics in 2D Josephson Junction Networks with Small Loop Inductances} Wolfram Krech \tiny {\it Friedrich Schiller University, Institute of Solid State Physics,\\ Helmholtzweg 5, D-07743 Jena, Germany} \vskip5mm \tiny \setlength{\baselineskip}{1.1em} For about a decade there is continuous interest in 2D Josephson junction networks because according to basic estimates the radiation output generated by these arrays is expected to be much larger than from linear chains. However, experimental results show that one of the serious problems in 2D networks could be the presence of flux in the loops. Magnetic fields can influence the phase locking of the voltage oscillations and, consequently, reduce the output power immensely. Here we will study problems connected with external flux in hybrid networks with junctions attached to the lines in bias direction only. Furthermore, assuming very small loop inductances, the junctions within the interferometers perpendicular to the bias current are strongly coupled. This way, the synchronization of the Josephson oscillations in 2D hybrid arrays reveals a certain similarity to the well-known locking dynamics in linear chains. We start with an analysis of phase locking in elementary SQUID cells within the RSJ model, taking into account the flux quantization. We develop a systematic perturbation method allowing the investigation of locking in cells with small but nonvanishing loop inductance. The junction voltages are found to be locked with very small phase differences for almost all values of external flux. Strongly coupled cells show quasi-uniform synchronization even for large parameter splitting. Next, we consider phase locking in simple 2D arrays consisting of two small-inductance loops coupled via a joint line transverse to bias current. It is shown that in the stable dynamic regime both cells oscillate antiphase. This result may already hint at the low radiation output obtained so far in 2D networks experimentally. Based on the analytical procedure combining ideas from small-induc\-tance approximation with those from slowly varying phase we deduce rigorous results on ladder arrays and inductively coupled multi-junction interferometers. These are excellently confirmed by numerical simulations. Finally, considering hybrid Josephson junction networks with external load impedance and solving the problem of the interplay of long-range and next-neighbouring interferometer interactions, we are able to look for effective multi-junction microwave sources. } \vfill \end{document}