Thank you for your message. I have filled the registration form. Below please find the title and abstract of my invited talk. Best regards, K.L. _________________________________________________________________ Konstantin K. Likharev Professor of Physics State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 Phone 631-632-8159 Fax 631-632-8774 E-mail (or Web page Secretary Sara Lutterbie (, 631-632-8582) ---------------- RSFQ: Current Status Konstantin K. Likharev State University of New York at Stony Brook, U.S.A I will review the recent progress and nearest prospects of the development of the Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum (RSFQ) logic. Elementary cells of this family, using overdamped Josephson junctions, store and process digital bits in the form of single quanta of magnetic flux, while the data exchange between the cells is provided with picosecond pulses transferred along superconductor microstrip lines with a speed approaching the speed of light. As a result, RSFQ circuits may operate the highest speed available in superconductor digital electronics: simple RSFQ devices have been demonstrated to operate at frequencies up to 770 GHz. Simultaneously, power consumption of RSFQ devices is extremely low (about 10^-18 Joule per bit at 4.2 K), thus allowing compact packaging of integrated circuits. Moreover, the technology of fabrication of the RSFQ circuits using low-T_c superconductors is considerably simpler than the standard CMOS. The main problem with the practical introduction of RSFQ circuits is the necessity of refrigeration: helium-range closed-cycle refrigerators are still costly and bulky, while high-T_c implementation of RSFQ circuits run into fabrication yield and layout problems. However, for several niche applications (A/D and D/A conversion, digital SQUIDs, RF voltage standards and calibrators, and digital correlators), the inconvenience of their helium cooling may be overweighed by the unparalleled performance of low-T_c RSFQ devices even if they are fabricated using the imperfect present-day technology. For larger-scale applications (including backbone network switching, digital signal processing and high-performance computing) a submicron RSFQ technology is necessary. I will describe in particular our work within the framework of the HTMT project which has the final goal of building a petaflops-scale computing facility capable to sustain a performance of 10^15 floating-point operations per second. RSFQ work at Stony Brook is supported in part by ONR (directly and via HYPRES), NSA/NASA via JPL, and Ericsson. --------------------