- W. D'Ambrogio, E. De Bernardis, A. Sestieri, Ottimizzazione di modifiche strutturali per la riduzione dell'emissione acustica, Atti VIII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Torino (Italy), pp. 411-417, Sep. 1986.
- A. Sestieri, E. De Bernardis, W. D'Ambrogio, Structural modification of vibrating systems, EUROMECH Colloquium 213. Metthodes Actives de Controle du Bruit e des Vibrations, Marseille (France), Sep. 1986.
- A. Sestieri, W. D'Ambrogio, E. De Bernardis, Optimal lumped modification of continuous vibrating structures, Proc. 5th IMAC, London (U.K.), pp. 1606-1612, Apr. 1987.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Determinazione della mobilità di sistemi accoppiati mediante elaborazione numerica di dati sperimentali, Atti II Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale, Roma (Italy), pp. 77-81, Jun. 1987.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, E. De Bernardis, Optimal modification in the dynamic behaviour of vibrating structures, Proc. 7tth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Sevilla (Spain), pp. 977-980, Sep. 1987.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Skipping modal identification in performing structural modification, Proc. 12th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), Sep. 1987.
- A. Sestieri, W. D'Ambrogio, Why be modal: i.e. how to avoid the use of modes in the modification of vibrating systems, Proc. 6th IMAC, Orlando (U.S.A.), pp. 1100-1106, Feb. 1988.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, P. Salvini, Altering the vibrational behaviour of an I.C. engine as a preliminary step for noise reduction, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Southampton (U.K.), pp. 499-508, Jul. 1988.
- A. Sestieri, P. Salvini, W. D'Ambrogio, Una modificazione ottimale di un motore a combustione interna per la riduzione del rumore irradiato, Atti V Convegno Nazionale Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti, Napoli (Italy), pp. 663-678, Sep. 1988.
- A. Sestieri, P. Salvini, W. D'Ambrogio, Reducing scatter from derived rotational data to determine the frequency response function of connected structures, Proc. 1st Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), pp. 701-704, Jan. 1989.
- A. Sestieri, W. D'Ambrogio, Why be modal: i.e. how to avoid the use of modes in the modification of vibrating systems, International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, Vol 4, pp. 25-30, Jul. 1989.
- W. D'Ambrogio, Modifica strutturale. Una nuova formulazione basata sulla risposta complessa in frequenza della struttura da modificare., Ph.D. Thesis, Dottorato di Ricerca in Meccanica Applicata, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma (Italy), Feb. 1989.
- A. Sestieri, W. D'Ambrogio, A modification method for vibration control of structures, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 3, pp. 229-253, Jul. 1989.
- E.I. Rivin, W. D'Ambrogio, Enhancement of dynamic quality of a machine tool using frequency response optimization method, Proc. 12th Biennial ASME Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, DE-Vol. 18-2, pp. 69-78, Sep. 1989.
- W. D'Ambrogio, Some remarks about structural modifications involving additional degrees of freedom, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 4, pp. 95-99, Jan. 1990.
- D. Capecchi, W. D'Ambrogio, Identificazione dei parametri modali di una struttura in muratura, Atti XVIII Congresso Nazionale AIAS, Amalfi (Italy), pp. 182-195, Sep. 1990.
- F. Placidi, F. Poggi, W. D'Ambrogio, Expansion of measured modes to include finite element degrees of freedom, Proc. 15th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 939-953, Sep. 1990.
- W. D'Ambrogio, Uso di elementi a parametri distribuiti per la modifica di strutture complesse, Atti X Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Pisa (Italy), pp. 273-278, Oct. 1990.
- A. Sestieri, W. D'Ambrogio, E. De Bernardis, On the use of different fundamental solutions for the interior acoustic problem, in Boundary Integral Methods, Theory and Applications, Proc. IABEM Symposium, Rome (Italy), pp. 460-470, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Oct. 1990.
- E.I. Rivin, W. D'Ambrogio, Enhancement of dynamic quality of a machine tool using frequency response optimization method, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 4, pp. 495-514, Nov. 1990.
- A. Sestieri, P. Salvini, W. D'Ambrogio, Reducing scatter from derived rotational data to determine the frequency response function of connected structures, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 5, pp. 25-44, Jan. 1991.
- W. D'Ambrogio, Consistent modelling of continuous structural dynamic modifications, Proc. 9th IMAC, Firenze (Italy), pp. 884-890, Apr. 1991.
- W. D'Ambrogio, D. Del Vescovo, A. Sestieri, Active control of flexible structures as an extension of structural modification concepts, Proc. 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Southampton (U.K.), pp. 690-701, Jul. 1991.
- S.R. Ibrahim, W. D'Ambrogio, P. Salvini, A. Sestieri, Direct updating of noncorservative finite element models using measured input-output, Proc. 10th IMAC, San Diego (U.S.A.), pp. 202-210, Feb. 1992.
- A. Sestieri, W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, F. Placidi, P.Salvini, Correzione di modelli dinamici agli e.f. in base a dati di natura sperimentale. Rassegna e confronti fra metodi proposti in letteratura, Rapporto di ricerca Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, Mar. 1992.
- A. Sestieri, D. Del Vescovo, W. D'Ambrogio, Controllo della risposta dinamica e della posizione di un braccio flessibile, Rapporto di ricerca Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, Jun. 1992.
- A. Fregolent, P. Salvini, W. D'Ambrogio, The effect of noise on a direct finite element updating based on measured input-output, Proc. 17th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 1-15, Sep. 1992.
- D. Del Vescovo, W. D'Ambrogio, G. Ulivi, End-point control of a flexible structure using acceleration and displacement feedback, Proc. 17th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 781-795, Sep. 1992.
- A. Carcaterra, W. D'Ambrogio, An iteration technique for the enhancement of the rational fraction polynomial modal identification procedure, Proc. 17th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 1115-1129, Sep. 1992.
- W. D'Ambrogio, D. Del Vescovo, Regolazione della coppia di azionamento di un braccio flessibile per la riduzione delle vibrazioni dell'estremità, Atti XI Congresso Nazionale AIMETA Meccanica delle Macchine, Trento (Italy), pp. 127-132, Sep. 1992.
- P. Lucibello, W. D'Ambrogio, A finite element approach to kinetic energy discretization of deformable bodies in quasi-rigid motion, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 35, pp. 1709-1729, Nov. 1992.
- D. Capecchi, W. D'Ambrogio, Experimental modal analysis and damage detection on an old masonry building, Meccanica, Vol. 28, pp. 13-26, Jan. 1993.
- W. D'Ambrogio, Dynamic model updating: state of the art and perspectives, Proc. 2nd School of Energetistic Methods in Vibroacoustics, Krynica (Poland), pp. 45-56, Apr. 1993.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, P. Salvini, Updatability conditions of non-conservative FE models with noise on incomplete input-output data, Proc. 1st International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modelling, Milton Keynes (U.K.), pp. 29-38, July 1993.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, P. Salvini, Reducing noise amplification effects in the direct updating of nonconservative finite element models, Proc. 12th IMAC, Honolulu (Hawaii), pp. 738-744, Feb. 1994.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Mannaioli, D. Del Vescovo, Use of FRF measurements as a non-destructive tool to detect detachments of frescoes, Proc. 12th IMAC, Honolulu (Hawaii), pp. 1083-1088, Feb. 1994.
- W. D'Ambrogio, P. Beomonte Zobel, Damage detection in truss structures using a direct updating technique, Proc. 19th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 657-668, Sep. 1994.
- D. Del Vescovo, W. D’Ambrogio, Control of a flexible link by shaping the closed loop FRF through optimized feedback filters, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 9, pp.1-13, Jan. 1995.
- A. Carcaterra, W. D’Ambrogio, An iterative rational fraction polynomial technique for modal identification, Meccanica, Vol 30, pp. 63-75, Feb. 1995.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, A comparison between the use of physical parameters and correction factors in dynamic model updating, Proc. 15th Biennial ASME Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, DE-Vol. 84-3, pp. 1181-1190, Sep. 1995.
- P. Beomonte Zobel, W. D’Ambrogio, P. Di Stefano, Identificazione di giochi in un sistema articolato da misure di accelerazione sul telaio, Atti XII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA - Meccanica delle Macchine, Napoli, pp. 147-152, Oct. 1995.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Confronto tra diverse formulazioni del problema di updating di modelli dinamici, Atti XII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA - Meccanica delle Macchine, Napoli, pp. 189-194, Oct. 1995.
- A. Fregolent, W. D’Ambrogio, P. Salvini, A. Sestieri, Regularisation techniques for dynamic model updating using input residual, Inverse Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 171-200, 1996.
- A. Fregolent, W. D’Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Correlating a finite element model with tests from a set of sample structures, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modelling, Cumbria (U.K.), pp. 55-63, Jul. 1996.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Natural frequency error versus response residual in dynamic model updating, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modelling, Cumbria (U.K.), pp. 197-208, Jul. 1996.
- G.D. Cassini, W. D’Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Frequency domain versus cepstrum technique for machinery diagnostics and input waveform reconstruction, Proc. 21st International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 835-846, Sep. 1996.
- P. Beomonte Zobel, W. D'Ambrogio, P. Di Stefano, A simplified model for the evaluation of the dynamic performance of a parallel structure, Proc. 6th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube Region (RAAD'97), Cassino (Italy), pp. 175-180, Jun. 1997.
- A. Fregolent, W. D'Ambrogio, Evaluation of different strategies in the parametric identification of dynamic models, Proc. 16th Biennial ASME Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Paper DETC97-VIB4154, Sep. 1997.
- A. Fregolent, W. D'Ambrogio, Identificazione parametrica di modelli dinamici agli elementi finiti mediante algoritmi genetici, Atti XIII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA -- Meccanica delle Macchine, Siena (Italy), pp. 225-230, Oct. 1997.
- W. D'Ambrogio, P. Beomonte Zobel, Valutazione teorica e sperimentale delle prestazioni dinamiche di una struttura parallela, Atti XIII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA -- Meccanica delle Macchine, Siena (Italy), pp. 285-290, Oct. 1997.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, On the use of consistent and significant information to reduce ill-conditioning in dynamic model updating, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 12, pp. 203-222, Jan. 1998
- A. Carcaterra, W. D'Ambrogio, A function-generationg differential mechanism for an exact solution of the steering problem, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 33, pp. 535-549, May 1998.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, New figures of merit for non-modal test-analysis correlation, Proc. 23rd International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 1103-1110, Sep. 1998.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Modeling distributed modifications of structures for predictive purposes, Proc. VI Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), pp. 789-792, Jan. 1999.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Using distributed modifications to change the dynamic behaviour of structures, Proc. 17th IMAC, Orlando (U.S.A.), pp. 763-768 , Feb. 1999.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Promises and pitfalls of antiresonance based dynamic model updating, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Identification in Engineering Systems, Swansea (U.K.), pp. 112-121, Mar. 1999.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Using antiresonances to update finite element dynamic models, Atti XIV Congresso Nazionale AIMETA – Meccanica delle Macchine, Como (Italy), Oct. 1999.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Experiences in data and model uncertainties in dynamic model updating, Proceedings Euromech 405, Valenciennes (France), pp. 11-20, Nov. 1999.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Robust dynamic model updating using point antiresonances, Proceedings 18th IMAC, San Antonio (U.S.A.), pp. 1503-1512, Feb. 2000.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Models for accounting/eliminating rotational DOFs in distributed structural modification, Proceedings 18th IMAC, San Antonio (U.S.A.), pp. 220-226, Feb. 2000.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, The use of antiresonances for robust model updating, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 236, pp. 227-243, Sep. 2000.
- M. Bello, F. La Gala, W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Dynamic rotation estimates using low cost PZT’s, Proc. 23rd International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 959-966, Sep. 2000.
- M. Bello, W. D'Ambrogio, F. La Gala, A. Sestieri, Development of PZT’s as rotational transducers, Proc. 19th IMAC, Orlando (U.S.A.), pp. 1291-1297, Feb. 2001.
- L. Vetrone, A. Sestieri, W. D'Ambrogio, Predicting the effect of distributed structural modifications by alternative techniques, Proc. 19th IMAC, Orlando (U.S.A.), pp. 1291-1297, Feb. 2001.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Coupling theoretical data and translational FRFs to perform distributed structural modification, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 15, pp. 157-172, Jan. 2001.
- W. D'Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Updating of GARTEUR Benchmark Using Resonances and Antiresonances, Proc. International Conference on Structural System Identification, Kassel (Germany), pp. 399-408, Sep. 2001.
- A. Sestieri, W. D’Ambrogio, Structural dynamic modifications, in Encyclopedia of Vibration, pp. 1253–1264, Academic Press, 2001.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Substructure coupling using FRFs: Strategies for tackling rotational degrees of freedom, Proc. International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modelling, Madeira (Portugal), pp. 229–239, June 2002.
- E. D’Amato, F. Durante, W. D’Ambrogio, Assessment of interface modelling procedures for distrbuted structural modification, Proc. International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modelling, Madeira (Portugal), pp. 397–406, June 2002.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, S2MAC: A correlation coefficient for close and multiple modes, Proc. International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modelling, Madeira (Portugal), pp. 573–582, June 2002.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Model updating and validation of the GARTEUR benchmark using resonances and antiresonance errors, Proc. 27th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 1047–1055, Sep. 2002.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Correlation of close modes using S2MAC, Proc. 27th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 1077–1085, Sep. 2002.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Sestieri, Assessment of structural coupling techniques using experimental data, Proc. 27th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 1703–1712, Sep. 2002.
- E. D’Amato, F. Durante, W. D’Ambrogio, Distributed structural modification using local interface model, Proc. 27th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 1731–1739, Sep. 2002.
- W. D’Ambrogio, A. Fregolent, Results obtained by mimimising natural frequency and antiresonance erors of a beam model, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 17, pp. 29–37, Jan. 2003.